PURE3 — PURE3 is specifically designed for network transmission of real time media (such
as video or graphics, audio, data, and whiteboard elements). It features both spatial and
temporal image compression, which allows for efficient bandwidth usage.
z PURE3 streams always contain video or graphic elements.
z PURE3 streams may contain audio, data, and whiteboard elements that are associated
with the video and graphic elements.
Streaming media (stream) — This term refers to multimedia that is constantly received
by (and normally presented to) an end‑user while being delivered by a streaming provider.
Internet television is a commonly streamed medium. Streaming media (stream) in this guide
refers to a PURE3 media stream that is produced by a VN‑Matrix encoding device.
Device license — This term refers to the number of licensed features that are available on
a device within a VN‑Matrix system. All devices contain a default license that offers a default
level of functionality. See Licensed Features panel on page 29 of the Recorder Device
Page section for information about device licenses.
NOTE: The VNM Recorder contains a default license that allows for five recorder
channels and five player channels. It is currently not possible to change the license on
the VNM Recorder.
Controller license — This term refers to the license that is supplied to the device
designated as the system controller. See Controller Licensing on page 42 of the
Accounts Page section for information about controller licenses.
Data — This refers to the transfer method of data between an encoder and a decoder. Data
input is created at the encoder, placed into the PURE3 stream, and sent to the decoder. The
data is received in the same form that it was transmitted. This method of data transfer is
unidirectional and can only be sent from an encoder to a decoder.
Whiteboard (wb) data — Also known as annotation data, whiteboard data outputs text
and/or simple pointer annotation onto local displays that are connected to VN‑Matrix
encoders or decoders. This type of data is bidirectional, which allows a decoder to send
whiteboard data to an encoder.
z Record, synchronize, and play back up to five visually lossless PURE3 encoded VN‑
Matrix streams over IP.
z Digitally record and play back video/graphics, audio, and data.
z Virtual switching of video, graphics, and audio over IP.
z Point to point and long distance distribution.
z Link multiple recorder units together for applications requiring recording for more than
five streams.
z The VNM Recorder is a scalable and flexible system.
VNM Recorder • Introduction 7