Playing a Recorded Stream
All elements of a recording are loaded when a recorded file is selected for replay at a later
time and cannot be separated from the recording. The video element is always replayed.
The optional elements may be enabled or disabled for replay, provided they are present in
the original recording.
Playback Preparation
To prepare a stream for playback, follow the procedure below.
1. Ensure that the VN‑Matrix codec is configured as a decoder with a VNM Recorder
channel set as the Source device (see the Setting up a VN-Matrix Codec as a
Decoder section on page 48).
2. From the Device List page (see page 26), click on the VNM Recorder device.
The Recorder Device page (see page 28) appears.
3. From the Recorder Device page (see page 28), click the Player icon.
The Player page (see page 35) appears.
4. In the Listing Directory, click on the media stream that will be played back. The stream
appears on channel 1.
See the About the Content Directory section on page 43 for more information on
how to navigate within the directory.
• If the listing section is empty, click the folder icon to refresh the list. Also be sure
to check that the listing section is not minimized by clicking on the Listing tab.
• The Listing Directory shows the contents of the location indicated by the Current
field. This will be the last location visited on the Player page (page 35),
Navigate page (page 32), or Config page (page 38).
• The Current Path field defaults to the folder that is saved as the default storage
location (see the Setting a Stream Storage Location section on page 45).
VNM Recorder • Recording and Playing Streams 52