Recorder Page
This page is accessed by selecting the VNM Recorder device on the Device List page
(see page 26) and then clicking the Recorder icon located on the Configuration panel of the
Recorder Device page (see page 28).
Figure 21. Recorder Page
The Recorder page controls the recording functionality of the VNM Recorder. The recorder
is capable of recording up to five simultaneous channels. Each channel contains one video
stream. In addition, a channel may also contain audio and data elements if these are present
and enabled at the encoder.
• The audio and data elements can be recorded, but in order to do so, those elements
must be selected using the appropriate check boxes (audio, wb,
and data).
• The ability of the VNM Recorder to record multiple streams depends on the bandwidth
of the source data streams and the disc writing capability of the recorder hardware.
name — The device name can be modified by editing this field and clicking Update.
The name should be comprised of letters, numbers, and the underscore character.
Spaces can be used, but should be avoided if possible.
Storage Path — Data is recorded in the directory specified in this field. This is modified
on the Navigate page that can be accessed by clicking on either the Storage Path link
or the Navigate tab at the top of the Recorder page. For more information on changing
the storage path, see the Navigate Page section (see page 32).
Bookmark button — Clicking on this button during a recording sets a reference point
within the stream that can be retrieved later. A new reference point is placed within the
stream each time the button is pressed and allows for multiple reference points to be
set. See the Using Bookmarks section on page 54 for more information.
NOTE: The bookmark button on this page only works while recording a stream.
Bandwidth — This drop‑down menu is used with the Bandwidth tab. Select a channel
and a source element from the menu and use the Bandwidth tab to monitor bandwidth
statistics. For more information on monitoring bandwidth, see the VN-Matrix 200 Series
User Guide, VN-Matrix 225 Series User Guide, VN-Matrix 300 User Guide, and the
VN-Matrix 325 User Guide.
VNM Recorder • About the Web-based User Interface 30