Recorder Device Page
This page is accessed by selecting the VNM Recorder device on the Device List page
(see page 26).
Figure 20. Recorder Device Page
The Recorder Device page shows the basic status for a VNM Recorder device. The device
information is presented in four panels.
NOTE: This guide references the Device page for the VNM Recorder only. See the
other device user guides or click on the Help tab for information on device specific
control options.
Device Summary panel — This panel indicates the connection status of the device
and the status of the management link between the device and the system controller.
z Name — The device name can be modified by typing in a new name into this field
and clicking Update. The name should be comprised of letters, numbers and the
underscore character. Spaces should be avoided.
z Serial Number — The field displays the serial number of the device.
z Device Status — This field indicates the management state of the device. Normally
it should show Active, but if the device is missing or it cannot be contacted via the
controller it will show No Device.
z IP address:port(cport) — This field displays the IP address of the current device,
the UDP port the device is using to communicate with the controller, and the
controller UDP port it is contacting.
z Link Status — When a device is active, this field displays the quality of the
management link between the device and the system controller. A link status of
Good indicates little or no management packet loss. A link status of Fair indicates
a small amount of packet loss. A link status of Poor indicates a bad link; investigate
whether the link to the device has sufficient bandwidth to carry the data and
management traffic.
VNM Recorder • About the Web-based User Interface 28