Understanding Saved Recordings With Multiple Elements
Figure 27. Navigate Page — Multiple Element Recording
When a recording contains multiple elements (such as video, audio, data, and whiteboard),
the stream is saved as multiple directories containing multiple files.
Figure 27 shows an example of a stream that has been saved using multi‑channel
recording, viewed on the Navigate page of the web‑based user interface. Information to
note from figure 27 includes:
z The Tag column displays the text that was entered in the description column on the
Recorder page (see page 30).
z The Date, Time, and Length columns all show the same value, indicating that these
files are part of a single recording.
z The same encoder was used as a source for all five channels.
z The files are organized by channel and are listed in order from 1 to 5.
z The files for each channel are listed with the video content listed first, followed by the
audio content.
The file naming table on the next page explains how filenames are created by the
VNM Recorder software. This table can also be used to determine what element is
contained within the file.
VNM Recorder • About the Content Directory 46