File Naming Table
Channel Number Filename Section Description
This is the text that was entered by
the user in the filename column on
the Recorder page (see page 30).
This is entered automatically by the
VNM Recorder software.
z 620032 = The serial number of the
encoder unit
z 0.0_r0_s0 = This stream contains
video for channel 1
This is the text that was entered by
the user in the filename column on
the Recorder page (see page 30).
This is entered automatically by the
VNM Recorder software.
z 620032 = The serial number of the
encoder unit
z A0.0_r1_s0 = This stream contains
audio for channel 1
This is the text that was entered by
the user in the filename column on
the Recorder page (see page 30).
This is entered automatically by the
VNM Recorder software.
z 620032 = The serial number of the
encoder unit
z 0.0_r6_s0 = This stream contains
video for channel 2
This is the text that was entered by
the user in the filename column on
the Recorder page (see page 30).
This is entered automatically by the
VNM Recorder software.
z 620032 = The serial number of the
encoder unit
z A0.0_r7_s0 = This stream contains
audio for channel 2
NOTE: This table only uses the first two channels to illustrate how filenames are
created by the VNM Recorder software.
Renaming a Stream or Directory
See Rename Selection on page 34 of the Navigate Page section for information.
Deleting a Stream or Directory
See Delete Selection on page 33 of the Navigate Page section for information.
VNM Recorder • About the Content Directory 47