94 Hearing Aid Measurements WinCHAP User’s Manual
There are a couple of other functions you can perform in this window:
• Click Restore to restore the analyzer’s label to factory settings.
• Open the File menu and select Save Label Settings to save the current
window to WinCHAP. This will make it so that the current label settings
come up the next time you open the Analyzer Label Settings window.
• Click
Back to close the Analyzer Label Settings window.
7.3 The Response Curves Test Window
The Response Curves test window lets you display and save up to 12 response
curves. See Figure 7.2.4.
Each curve on the graph is labeled with a number. A legend to the right of the
graph identifies each curve with a label that includes, by default, the source
type and amplitude used when taking the measurement. This label can be modi
fied. See Section 7.3.7..
7.3.1 Opening a Response Curves Test window
The Response Curves test records are always saved to a hearing aid record. For
this reason, the hearing aid record must be created inside WinCHAP before
opening a Response Curves test window.
1. Create a record for the hearing aid. See Section or Section
2. Enter the Test Menu by clicking on the Test Menu button in the Main
3. Open the hearing aid record in the test menu. You can do this one of two
• Search for the client record (This only works if the hearing aid is
attached to a client record.) When located, click the PLUS (+) to the
left of the client listing to display any hearing aids attached to that
• Search for the hearing aid record. If the hearing aid has any saved
tests saved to it, a PLUS (+) will be visible to the left of the hearing
aid listing in the right column of the Test Menu. Click the PLUS (+)
to expand the folder and display the saved tests.
See Section 4.1.3 for details on searching for a record.
4. Double-click on the saved test to open it, or double-click on the hearing
aid listing in the right column to open the hearing aid test select window,
and choose Response Curves