100 Hearing Aid Measurements WinCHAP User’s Manual
7.4.1 Using the Connect button
The Connect button in the toolbar of the Real-Ear window creates a real-time
connection between your computer and your analyzer. The established connec
tion depends on the type of analyzer.
The 6500-CX must be in Auto mode in the Insertion Gain screen and running
an aided measurement. At this time, the 6500-CX cannot establish a real-time
connection in the SPL Testing screen, or while the analyzer is in manual mode
in the Insertion Gain screen.
7000, FP40 & FP35
When the FP40 and FP35 analyzers are in their Insertion Gain screens, the
CONNECT button will establish a real-time connection with the insertion gain
curve. When they are in their SPL test screens, the
CONNECT button will estab-
lish a real-time connection with the current REAR curve.
General instructions
1. Set up the analyzer and hearing aid for real-ear testing.
2. Start the real-time measurement on your analyzer using a FAST pure-tone
sweep, composite signal, or digital speech signal.
3. Click
Connect in the Real Ear Test window to establish a real-time con-
nection. To speed up the connection, the grid lines on the WinCHAP dis
play will temporarily disappear.
4. When satisfied, click
Disconnect to end the connection.
5. Click
Save to save the measurement.
7.4.2 Getting curves from your analyzer
If you have taken real-ear measurements with your FONIX analyzer, you can get
those measurements using the Get Curves button in the Real-Ear toolbar. The
curves that are grabbed from the analyzer depend on the analyzer model, soft
ware version, and the mode.
• In the Insertion Gain screen:
– REUR (real-ear unaided response)
– REAR (real-ear aided response)
– REIG (real-ear insertion gain)
– Insertion gain target