Chapter 7 87
Hearing Aid Measurements
7.1 Introduction
WinCHAP can gather data from nearly all of the tests available on the FONIX
FP40, 6500-CX, 7000, and FP35 hearing aid analyzers.
The following tests and test sequences are available:
• Response curves & Real Ear
• ANSI S3.22-1987
• ANSI S3.42-1992
• ANSI S3.22-1996
• ACIC test sequence (based on ANSI ’87 using CIC coupler and correction
Most hearing aid analyzers are not equipped to run all of these measurement
curves; we included all of them to make WinCHAP more universally friendly.
You will, however, only be able to run those automated test sequences sup
ported by your analyzer. If you try to run an automated test sequence that your
analyzer doesn’t support, WinCHAP will give you an error message.
WinCHAP cannot change such variables as source type, aid type, or automated
test sequence setting, so you have to set your analyzer up the way you want
your aid to be tested. WinCHAP will, however, determine those settings from
the analyzer.
The different hearing aid tests that WinCHAP supports can be grouped into two
categories, individual curve tests (Response Curves and Real-Ear) and automat
ed test-sequences (ANSI ’87, ANSI ’96, ANSI ’92, ACIC, JIS, and IEC).
7.2 General Test Information
Every test window in WinCHAP share some similarities and common interfaces.
The functions listed in this section apply to all measurement windows. For
more information on the Response Curves window, see Section 7.3. For more
information the Real-Ear window, see Section 7.4. For more information on any
of the automated test sequence windows, such as ANSI 96, ANSI 87, and IEC,
see Section 7.5.