WinCHAP User’s Manual The DSL/NAL-NL1 Module 81
6.5 Info
The Info window (Figure 6.5) is used to identify the Operator, Analyzer, and
Audiometer used to perform the hearing aid fitting. It also contains the DSL
prescriptions for the amplification that a hearing aid should produce in order to
be a good fit for your client. These values can be compared to the hearing aid’s
published manufacturer specifications.
The coupler values displayed in this window are:
• SSPL: Target maximum output SPL.
• Full-on Gain: A reserve gain ranging from 1 dB to 20 dB (in 1 dB steps) is
used to calculate this target value.
• User Gain: For linear aids, the user gain is tied to the speech spectrum
selected in the
DSL tab of the Settings window. It is the output of that speech
spectrum minus its input. For WDRC aids, the user gain is tied to the input
level selected on the Info window. It is the coupler target output at that level
minus its input.
Figure 6.5—The Info window