WinCHAP User’s Manual Office Management 25
You can click the Cancel button in the top left corner of the window to can-
cel the new record without saving. To delete a client record
1. Use the Search icon (represented by a pair of binoculors) to locate the cli-
ent you want to delete. See Section for details.
2. Click the
Delete icon (represented by a recycle bin) on the Office Manager
toolbar. This will delete the selected client. To attach a hearing aid
1. Enter the hearing aid data by following the instructions found in Section
2. Enter the Client window by clicking Client-Patient in the left column of
the Office Manager.
3. Find the client to whom you want to attach the hearing aid. Use the
Search button if necessary. See Section
4. Locate the Available Hearing Aids box on the right side of the Client win
dow. This is the list of aids unattached to any client records.
5. Highlight the hearing aid you would like to attach and click Add Aid
Click Search Aid to open a hearing aid search window and search for the
hearing aid among the list of available hearing aids. When you find the
aid you want, double-click it, and it will automatically attach itself to the
client and close the search window.
6. Locate the Client’s Hearing Aids box above the Available Hearing Aids
box. You should see the newly attached hearing aid in that box.
7. Click
Save to save the attachment.
Note: You can also attach the hearing aid in the hearing aid data entry
window. To un-attach a hearing aid
1. Open the client record to want to alter. Use the Search icon if necessary.
(See Section
2. Locate the Client’s Hearing Aids box above the Available Hearing Aids
box on the right side of the Client window.
3. Select the hearing aid that you want to remove. A box will pop up to con
firm your decision.
4. Click Yes to complete the action.