52 Audiometric Test Screen WinCHAP User’s Manual
To use the patient response button:
1. Open the
Settings menu, point at Patient Response Button, and select ON.
2. Click
Connect to establish a real-time connection to your audiometer.
3. Go to your FONIX audiometer and administer the test. When you present
the stimulus, a no-response button will appear on the WinCHAP display.
When the patient pushes the button while a stimulus is being presented,
this no-response symbol will change into a normal response.
5.2.3 Recording a No Response
There are two ways to record a no response in an Audiometric Test:
• You can use the patient response switch to automatically record each
stimulus without a patient response as a no response, as described in
Section 5.2.2, or
• You can input the no response manually in the Curve Data Values window
by inputting input an * symbol at the desired frequency. To input the
response at a specific amplitude, just add the * symbol to that amplitude.
For instance, use “*100” to input a no-response at 100 dB HL. When you
go back to the Audiometric Curves window and click Refresh, the
response symbol should appear.
5.2.4 Remotely controlling your audiometer
You can remotely control many of the functions of your FONIX audiometer
from the Audiometric Test window, including the Input, Output, Hearing Aid
Simulator settings. You can also remotely present a tone with the frequency and
amplitude of your choice.
In the following instructions, steps 1-4 describe how to remotely set the audi
ometer’s Input, Output, and Hearing Aid Simulator settings. When you do this,
these new settings override the manual knob controls on the audiometer. If you
do not perform these steps, WinCHAP will use the manual knob controls set
tings to determining the type of signal to present.
1. (
optional) Open the Settings menu, point to Audiometer Settings, and
select Audiometer Control Panel. See Figure 5.2.4.
2. (
optional) Select the desired Output, Input, and Aid Simulator settings
for each ear. You can also turn on and off
Pulsed, Warbled, and Output
3. (
optional) Click Set Audiometer to enable your selections.
4. (
optional) Click Back to close the Audiometer Control Panel.
5. Right-click on the audiogram graph at the desired frequency and ampli
tude. The tone will be presented for the length of your click; hold your