2. It"bakery TsequTppedwTth yen= caps, make sure =hey
are Jnsr_lledand are tTght.
3. It"necessary, clean battery termTnals.
4. Connec= battery charge cable connec=or plug to panel
recep_cle identified by the words "I2-VO/TS D.C."
S. Connect bat_ry charge cable clamp with red handle
_o the positive (+) battery terminal (Figure 6),
6. Connect battery charge cable clamp with black handle
_o the negative (-) b_ery termTnal (Figure 6).
7. Start engine, let engine run while bz_tery recharges.
8. When battery has charged, shut down engine
NOTE: Use an amomod_ hydrometer _o _st battery s_a_e
of chargeand condition.Follow the hydrometer
m_nofaztzrer's instrucUons care4ully.Gener_l_ a b_'_ery is
considered _o be at 100%state of charge when specific gr_Ly
of_ fluid(_ measured by hydrometer) is 1_260or higher.
Under cer!_inweather conditions(t_mperatures below
40OF[4=C] and a high dew point),your generatormay
experienceicing of the c_rburetor and/or the crankcase
breather system.
Build a structure that will enclose three sidesand the top
of the genera_0r.
I. Make sure entire muffler-side of generator is exposed.
Note that your generator may appear different from
that shown fn Figure 7.
2. Ensure a minimum of _wo feet clearance between open
side of box and nearest obiec=
3. Face exposed end away from wind and elements.
4. Enclosure should hold enough heat created by
generator to prevent problems.
.Keep at:!eas t 2 "_ec_of clearance on al!sides Ofg_n_rator for
, DO NOT Oper_egen_r_or insidoaw buildingOrendc_i
!ncluding_ gene_r comparm_ c_z _rr._or_J v_icl_ _RV).
, P,_m0vegener_t0r_romShelterwhen _emperatureiSabove
_0 [ c] ..................................................................