m _BI _e]mE_,_i_D]E_lm._mgm
12 Volt DC, I 0 Amp Receptacle
ThTs receptacle _llows you to recharge _ 12%1=
automo:fve or utfliv/style storage battery wfth :he bakery
charge cables provided (Figure 8),
ThTs receptacle can no= recharge 6Volt bakeries and can
no: be used to crank an e_gine h_vinga discharged bakery,
See the section "Charging a Batter)/' (page 9) before
a_empting to recharge a bakery,
120 Volt AC, 20 Amp, Duplex
Eachreceptacle (Figure9) isprotected agains:overload by
a 20Amp push-to-reset cTrcui:breaker.
Use eachrecep_cle to operate 120%1=AC, single-phase,
60 Hz electrTcalloadsrequiring up to 2,400 wa_ (2.4 kVV)
a: 20Amps of curren:. Use cord se=sthat are ra:ed for
125Volt AC loads at 20 Amps (or grea=er).
120 Volt AC, 30 Amp Locking
Use a NEMA I-5-30 plugwith this recep_cle, Connec: a
3-wira cord se: rated for 125VoltAC loads at 30 Amps to
the plug (Figure 10).
3-Wire Cord Se:
NEMA L5-30
A Neu:ral
Ground (Green)
Use :hfs receptacle to opera:e 120 Volt AC, 60 Hz, single
phase loads requiring up to 3,600 wa_s (3,6 kW) of pov_er
a: 30 Amps,The outle: is protected by a 30 Amp
push-:o-reset circui: breaker,