The generator should be sr_r'ced at leas=once every seven
days and allowed =o run at leas=30 mTnu_es.If thTs c_nno=
be done and you must store the uni= for more than
30 days,use =he following guTdelinesto prepare i=for
Generator Storage
• Clean the generator as outlined in "To Clean =he
• Check the= cooling aTr slots and openings on generator
areopen and unobs=ructed.
, DO NOTp!aXe a St;orage€owr 0¥_ Shot gener_cOr_
' LeC_quipment c001for a sufficienccim_ bc4oreplacing
Engine Storage
See engine owner'smanual forins=rucUons.
Other Storage Tips
• To prevent gum from forming in fuel system or on
essential carbure=or parts, add fuel s_bilizer into fuel
_nk and fill wil:hfresh fuel. Run the uni=for several
minu_es to circulate the addi=ive dlrough :he carburetor.
The unit and fuel can then be stored for up to
24 mondls. Fuel s_bilizer can be purchzsed locally.
• DO NOT s:ore fuel from one sezson =o ano=her unless
i= has been treated as described above.
• Replace fuel confiner if it s_ri:s :o rust. Rus=and/or dir_
in fuel can cause problems if i='sused wi=h :his uni=.
• Store unit in a clean and dry area.
Problem Cause CorrectiOn
I, ReS_ Cir_Ui_br_l_r.
but engine is
4. C0_e_ed device is badi
I Shor_ circuit in a conne_ed load
I_n_ln_ _uns _ooa ;el; no
load but 'bogs'i 2_ Generetor 'S See i'D0_;t Oyedoad Gene_z:or'i!
when loads are connected,
I i ..... "B f I ....
Enginewil!nots_=r_;or, FuelValve s nthe Off" pos=on., urn ue
Engine shuts down during _, I,i,
r II TUe[ _ki
operat On,
Eng!ne !acks power, see 'iDonlt Qvert0_d Gene_r'i.