_Read thls manual carefully and become
familiar with your generator. Know its
applications, its limitations and any hazards
The generators are an engine_riven, revolvTng field,
al:ernatTng current (AC) generator, It wzs designed _o
supply electrical power for operating compatible electrical
lighting, appliances, _ools and motor loads.The generator's
revolvTng field is drTvenat about 3,600 rpm by a single-
cylTnder engTne.
CAUTION! DO NOT exceed the generator's
wa_age/amperage c_pacfty. See ==Don't Overload
Genera_or" on page 13.
Every effor_ has been made _o ensure that fnforma_ion in
_his manual fsaccurate and current, However, we reserve
the right to change,al_er or otherwfse improve the product
and thfs document at any tfme wfthout prfor no_ice.
The Emission Control System for this generator is
warranted for standards set by the Environmental
Pro_ecUon Agency. For warranty information refer to the
engine owner's manual.
!_ _h_ Sta_eof Californ! a aspzr_ zr_ster is _qu!_ d bylaw
(Sec:io_ 4_t2 of;he C_lifomi_ Public Resou_es Code).
Other S_es m_ _ave Sim!lar I_S. Fecle_l lawsZpply on
fede_l IzndSiIfYO_e_ip 1;hem_ffler _i_h Z spare arres_ r,
_IL hls isthe safety alert symbol. It is used to
alert you to potential personal injury hazards.
Obey all safety messages that follow this
symbol to avoid possible injury or death.
The safety alert symbol (_) is used with a signal word
(DANGER, CAUTION,WARNING), a pictorial and/or a
safety message _o aler_ you _o hzzards. DANGER indicates
a hzzard which, if not avoided, vAf!result in death or serious
injury.WARNING indicates a hazard which, if n_t avoided,
couldresult in death or serious iniury. CAUTION
indicates a hzzard which, if not avoided, might result in
minor or moderate injury. CAUTION, when used
without the aler_ symbol, indicates a situation that could
result in equipment damage. Follow sat'e_ messzges to
avoid or reduce the risk of iniury or de_th.
The engine exhaust from (;his produc_ contains
chemicals known to the State of Callfornla to cause
cancer, birth defects, or o_her reproductive harm,
Hazard Symbols and Meanings
Electrocu_Jon Electrical Shock Electrical Shocl(
Toxic Fumes
Explosive Pressure
E_plesfen Fire
Chemical Burn Hot Surface