
System Ground
The generator has a system ground :hat connects the
generator frame components _o the ground terminals on
the AC output recep_cles.The system ground is connected
_o the AC neutral wire (see "EquTpment DescrTpdon",
earlier in thTs manual).
Special Requirements
There may be Federal or $_te OccupatTonal Safety and
Health AdmTnTstratTon(OSHA) regulations, local codes, or
ordinances that apply _o the in_ended use of the generator.
Pleaseconsult a qualifTedelectrician, electrical inspector, or
the local zgency having jurisdiction.
In some areas, generators are required to be registered
with local utili_/companies.
It'the generator is used at a construction site, there may
be additional regulations which must be observed.
Connecting to a Building's Electrical
Connections for s_ndby power to a building's electrical
system must be made by a qualified electrician.The
connection must isolate the generator power from u_ility
power, and must comply with all applicable laws and
electrical codes.
,wh_, usi,g_o,o_tor_orbackupp0*o_,,_i_
, Use aground_UI_CircuitinterrUp_ (G FCI)in anydamp or'
highly ¢0nducciye arca_suchRsmG_a!d_€l_ngor' s_¢l wor`I_
N_ h_ndl_gcn_r_cOr`Or'_!ec_rica!cordsWhi!_s_nding
W_rer,Whi]_b_oo_ Orwhileh_.nd_.Or_ec_
N_ a!!owunqualified_mons or chi]d_nro op_ or
How to Use the Battery Charger
Use bakery float charger iack to I_s_ep:he sr_r_ing battery
charged and ready for use. B_t_ery charging should be done
in a dry Ioc_ion, such as inside a g_rage.
Plugthe charger into the unit's"Battery Float Charger"
jack, which is located on the s_rter switch (Figure 3).
Plug ba:tery charger into a 120VoltAC wall recep_cle.
Unplug :he charger from :he unit and the wall ouder when
generator is being s_r_ed and while it is in operation.
Keep this charger plugged in when generator is not in
use to prolong battery life.The charger has a built in float
ecIualizer and will not overcharge the b_tery, even when
plugged in for an ex_ended period of time.
IN PORTANT: See "B_ery Maintenance" on pzge 14 for
additional information.
IN PORTANT: Always unplug the battery float charger
before star_ing :he generator.
S_ [DOnt _erlo_.d GCner_t:or_on pa_¢ 3;
"S_ _ne_t:or _.nd!et__ngin_ s_bi!!ze_before €onn_ct:ing
electrical Ic_dSi
, C0nn_c__l_¢tr!cal !0ads !n OFF p0sitJon,rhen turn ON for`
, Turn oJf:ccr(_.lloadsOFF andd(sconn_¢cfrom generator