7. Removetie _emporary blocks.
8. At_ch the vibration mourns to the support leg with
30ram capscrews, washers and lock nuts,
9, With the wheels on, you can now Hft up the handle
end and a_ch tie suppor_ leg wTth 20ram cap screws
and lock nuts.
IO, Check tiatallfastenersarerightznd thetiresareTnfla_d
_o tile value marked on tile tTre or wTthin IS and 40 psT.
Check Battery /Attach Negative
Battery Wire
The sealed battery on the generator is fully charged and
pre-Tns_lled except for the negative (blacl_) battery cable,
To install;
I. Cut off _ie wrap securing loose end of negative (black)
2, Remove nut and washer on negative bakery terminal,
3, Slide negative battery cable over screw on negative
_erminal (Figure 2),
battery \_
c_ble Screw
Positive battery cable
_t. Re_ch wzsher and nut and tighten,
5. Verify tiat connections to bakery and generator are
_Jghtand secure,
Add Engine Oil and Fuel
• Place generator on a level surface.
• Refer to engfne owner's manual and follow ofl and fuel
recommendations and instructions,
NOTE: Checl_ oil often during engine break-in, Refer to
engine owner's manual for recommendations,
NOTE: The generator zssembly rotates on a prelubricated
and sealed ball bearing that recIuires no additional
lubrication for the life of tie bearing,