Code Valid Values Default PW
60 Current day 01 to 31 from RTC no
61 Current month 01 to 12 from RTC no
62 Current year 1998 to 9999 from RTC no
63 Current time 00:00 to 23:59 from RTC no
72 Cleaning timer 0 to 9999 days 0 no
73 Initial cleaning day 01 to 31 01 no
74 Initial cleaning month 01 to 12 01 no
75 Initial cleaning year 1998 to 9999 1998 no
76 Initial cleaning time 00:00 to 23:59 00:00 no
77 Cleaning ON interval 0 to 19999 minutes 0 no
90 Display selftest 0: off 0 yes
1: on
91 Keyboard selftest 0: off 0 yes
1: on
92 EEPROM selftest 0: off 0 yes
1: on
93 Relays and LEDs selftest 0: off 0 yes
1: on
94 Watchdog selftest 0: off 0 yes
1: on
99 Unlock password 0000 to 9999 0000 yes
Note The process controller automatically checks to ensure that
the entered data matches other related variables. If a wrong
configuration is entered, “ERROR” blinks on the LCD to prompt
the user. The correct configurations are the following:
If M1=/ 0 then S1<HA, S1>LA;
If M2=/ 0 then S2<HA, S2>LA;
If M1= 1 then S1-H1>LA;
If M1= 2 then S1+H1<HA;
If M1= 3 then S1+D1<HA;