4-6 AutoRecover
AutoRecover AutoRecover runs Purge-n-Wipe automatically at the beginning
of a print job, when a specified number of minutes have passed
since the last Purge-n-Wipe. This function is disabled by default.
Enable it only if neeed to keep jets working.
Running a Purge-n-Wipe operation before printing ensures the
maximum number of working jets, but is not necessary before
each print. If jets are becoming clogged or deflected, lower the
AutoRecover interval. If jets are working well, increase the
AutoRecover interval. Continuous printing encourages working
jets and reduces the need for AutoRecover.
1. On the Front Page screen, press the (Menu) key to enter
the menu system.
2. Press the (Menu In) key display the Calibrate Printer
3. Press the ) key to highlight AutoRecover.
4. Press the (Menu In) key.
The control panel displays the AutoRecover status (off or
current interval).
5. Press , or ) to set the number of minutes since the previous
Purge-n-Wipe before it will be run automatically at the start
of the next print job.
To disable this function, scroll down past 1 to OFF.
6. Press ! (Proceed).