7-8 Printer Driver Setup
Selecting an Output
Color Space
Your application software and the ColorMark print server soft-
ware are allow you to select from a variety of device-specific
RGB color conversion methods. Matching an RGB output color
space, as defined in application programs such as Adobe Photo-
shop, with its corresponding conversion method will result in
more accurate color reproduction and an expanded color gamut.
To select an output color space:
1. Select an output color space from the Port Configuration
dialog box on the ColorSpan print server.
See “ColorMark CMS” on page 6-6 for instructions.
2. Select an output color space in the application program.
◆ If you will be using an ICC workflow, always select
“Printer’s Default.”
◆ If you will be printing the document, select the color
space in the application’s Print dialog box:
Select “Composite RGB” here
Fig. 7-2. Sample color space setting (QuarkXPress shown)