B-6 Warranty Claims
Causes that are covered by the manufacturer’s warranty:
◆ Manufacturing defect — when a flaw in materials or work-
manship causes a printhead to fail, the failure will be cov-
ered by the manufacturer’s warranty.
Causes and/or circumstances that are not covered by the
manufacturer’s warranty:
◆ Third party hardware or software
◆ Damage caused by accident, abuse, misuse (including dam-
age resulting from head strikes or use of non-approved sup-
plies), misapplication, relocation of product without
approved procedures, failure to perform user maintenance as
defined in the User Manual or contamination of the ink sup-
ply due to improper handling of the ink or ink system
◆ Printheads which have not been properly maintained as
defined in the User Manual, and printheads with jet-outs that
AutoJet is able to substitute in Production print mode
◆ Service (including upgrades and expansions) performed by
anyone who is not a ColorSpan Authorized Service Provider
◆ Modification of the product without the written permission
of ColorSpan
◆ Product on which the ColorSpan serial number has been
removed or defaced or for which you cannot provide proof
of purchase and payment
◆ Software (whether embedded in ROMs or other hardware or
contained on diskettes or other media), including related
manuals and documentation, its quality, performance, mer-
chantability or fitness for any particular purpose