6-14 Selecting Server Options
Tiling The ColorSpan print server provides various image manipulation
options, including tiling, scaling, and nesting of images. Refer to
the System Control User Guide for detailed instructions.
To tile an image across multiple sheets:
1. Click “EPS/TIFF,” then select the “Manual” print mode in
either a Port Configuration dialog box or Document
Details dialog box of a print job in an Input queue.
◆ To apply the option to all EPS and bitmap jobs received
by the server at a port, select the option in the Port Con-
figuration dialog box.
◆ To apply the option to an individual job, route the job to
the Input Hold queue or paused Input queue, and select
option in the job’s Document Details dialog box.
2. Send an EPS or bitmap file to the print server.
Download an EPS or supported bitmap file from a client
Macintosh or Windows PC using the ColorSpan Downloader
Utility, or use the DiskDirect port to enqueue a supported
file from an external disk drive (or CD-ROM drive).
The file proceeds to the Input Attention Queue.
3. Open the Input Attention Queue.
Fig. 6-7. Setting the Manual EPS/TIFF print mode