Selecting Server Options 6-9
◆ Microsoft Windows Network - On a Microsoft Windows
Network, the WinLink port name appears as a network
printer connected to the server.
◆ Novell Network - On a Novell NetWare network, the sys-
tem defaults to the print queue selected through the Win-
dows Control Panel.
To change the NetWare File Server and Print Server names,
click Settings on the port configuration dialog box.
EPS/TIFF Options
Default Print Mode specifies how files sent to the printer with
the ColorSpan Image Utility or Downloader Utility are printed.
For details, refer to the System Control User Guide and the Print-
ing Tools User Guide.
◆ Server-Side Support - “wraps” the image file in PostScript
code that enables the ColorSpan server to RIP the image,
and to manipulate it using the manual pre-RIP cropping,
scaling, and tiling features of the System Control software.
◆ Client-Side Support - downloads the image file
as-is, which enables RIPing but not the manual pre-RIP crop-
ping, scaling, and tiling features of the System Control soft-
You can see how the image will look before printing by checking
its Preview in the Output queue.
RIP Options
Image Quality — Select the image quality based on how fast you
want the job to RIP and print, the level of apparent resolution
required, and the quality of gradients required. You can choose
◆ SmoothTone Full Page — highest quality, applies SmoothTone
error diffusion to all elements on the page. Yields the best
color matching.