
Clean the Rail and Bearings 5-5
Rail 3. Wipe the entire length of the rail with a lint-free cloth or wipe
moistened with isopropyl alcohol.
The rail surfaces that must be clean are the surfaces that
touch the carriage bearings. These are the top surface,
including the front and back of the front lip, and the side
surface, behind the belt. Move the carriage manually or
press the Carriage key on the control panel Front Page so
you can access and clean the entire rail.
Carriage Bearings 4. From the control panel Front Page screen, press the Access
Heads key.
The carriage moves out of the service station to the access
carriage position. The bearings are on the back of the car-
There are four bearings that should be kept clean, one pair
on each end of the carriage. Each pair of bearings rolls along
the front and back of the lip on the top of the rail. If any
buildup occurs on one of these bearings, banding or other
artifacts could appear in printed output. This buildup can
range from a fine dust to visible particles.
The fifth bearing rolls along the lower edge of the rail,
behind the belt. Cleaning this bearing is not necessary, since
it usually does not get dirty.
Top of the rail
Side of the rail
(behind the belt)
Fig. 5-2. Cleaning the rail