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Printing on the left side only reduces ink usage, while
printing on both sides can keep the inkjets clearer. Using
this feature decreases the width available for printing the
◆ Left Platen Gutter — determines when the jets will fire in
the left spittoon to keep all jets firing correctly. Turning
off this function may speed throughput with narrower
media, since it allows the carriage to turn around before
reaching the end of the platen, but it may also necessi-
tate more frequent Purge-n-Wipe operations to clear
clogged jets. Always On fires the jets in the spittoon
with all media widths. Off for Media <40 In. Wide fires
the jets in the spittoon only if the media is less than 40
inches wide. Off for Media <71 In. Wide fires the jets
only if the media is less than 71 inches wide.
◆ Platen Gutter Spits — sets the amount of ink used by the
maintenance spits to High, Medium, and Low. To con-
serve ink, use the lowest setting that keeps the jets open.
The default High.
◆ Margin Settings
◆ Space Between Prints (roll-fed) — sets the blank space
between print jobs, between 0 and 10 inches (25 cm).
◆ Right and Left Margin — sets the amount of blank space
for the right and left margins, between 0 and 5 inches
(13 cm). Optionally, on rigid media only, you can print
up to or past the right and left edges (see “Edge-to-Edge
Printing” on page 3-38).
◆ Leading Margin (cut-sheet) — sets the amount of blank
space at the leading edge of cut-sheet media.
◆ Trailing Margin (cut-sheet) — sets the amount of blank
space at the trailing edge of cut-sheet media.
MEDIA WIZARD ◆ Media Measure Type — for cut-sheet media, you can choose
one of three levels of precision for finding the left, right, and
front edges of the media.
◆ Minimal — measures the width of the media once, and
finds the front right edge
◆ Standard — measures the width of the media once, and
finds the right and left front edges to estimate skew
◆ Maximal — measures the width of the media in two
places, and finds the right and left front edges to esti-
mate skew
Choose Minimal for fastest throughput with media in per-
fect condition, Maximal for greatest precision and skew
detection when printing edge-to-edge.