5-6 Clean the Rail and Bearings
5. Clean the left and right outside bearings.
Moisten a cotton swab with isopropyl alcohol or water, place
it against the left side of the bearing, and manually push the
carriage to the left. Then place the swab against the right side
of the bearing, and manually push the carriage to the right.
Repeat once or twice. Remove any large dust particles you
6. Clean the left and right inside bearings.
Insert a moistened cotton swab into the bearing cleaning
window, and clean the bearing by manually pushing the car-
riage to the left and right. Repeat once or twice. Remove any
large dust particles you see.
7. Press the ! (Proceed) key to return the carriage to the home
Cleaning the Encoder
The top surface of the encoder strip should be cleaned as needed
(approximately monthly under typical service) with a lint-free
cloth moistened with SolaChrome-HR cleaning fluid. After
cleaning, wipe the top surface of the encoder strip with a new
lint-free cloth moistened with isopropyl alcohol. To check the
condition of the encoder, view it with a piece of white paper
held underneath it. The encoder strip should be cleaned if the
encoder index marks (fine black lines that are perpendicular to
the length of the encoder strip) are not clearly visible.
Outside bearing
Inside bearing
Fig. 5-3. Carriage bearings, left pair shown
Cleaning window