
Checking Jet Health 3-7
Checking Jet Health The printers automatic jet maintenance features (gutter print-
ing, spits, service station wipes) are designed to keep the inkjets
from clogging. In addition, when AutoJet detects a missing jet, it
attempts to replace it with a working jet on the same or another
printhead (in Production and High Quality modes). In this way,
printing occurs with all jets for maximum quality.
When you notice a decrease in print quality, one or more inkjets
may be clogged. To recover clogged jets:
1. Print a Prime Bars pattern to determine whether there are
any missing jets (see page 3-8).
2. If there are any missing jets, Purge-n-Wipe the printheads
(see page 3-8) or Print Jet-Out Lines (page 3-8).
3. Run AutoJet (page 4-3) or Manual Jet Mapping (page 4-13).
4. Repeat this process until all jets are working or substituted for
another jet. This process is summarized in Fig. 3-1, below.
Fig. 3-1. Checking jet health and recovering jets