Loading Roll-Fed Media 3-19
below). This enables you to print on either side of the
7. Ensure that the media is rolled onto the supply spool evenly,
without “telescoping” to one side.
8. Release the pinch rollers so that media can be fed through
them freely.
9. Feed the media through the pinch rollers and onto the
10. From the front of the printer, pull the media web taut so that
the media feeds in a straight line from the supply, with no
This is easier with two persons. If loading with one person,
first lower the pinch rollers, walk around to the front of the
printer, release the pinch rollers, then straighten the media.
11. Lower the pinch rollers onto the media.
12. On the Front Page screen of the control panel, press the Load
Media key.
The control panel presents a list of media types. You can
select a ColorSpan media from the list, or select Custom (at
the end of the list) to specify a new media. The printer’s
Media Wizard feature stores a set of parameters for each
media type, which can be recalled and applied whenever
you change media types. (See “Media Wizard” on page 3-44
for details.)
Fig. 3-7. Media path from supply to takeup