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RX2600 consoles
Hybrid Disk Format
EFI requires GUID Partition Table (GPT) disk format
EFI requires one FAT32 partition
VMS requires ODS Files-11 disk format
VMS does not support partition disks
Both format co-exist, independent of each other
EFI console view
GPT format with one 48Mb FAT32 partition
Remaining space unallocated
VMS view
ODS Files-11 format disk
48Mb container file allocated for FAT32 partition
CD-ROMs use ISO9660 format instead of GPT
page 64/22/04
RX2600 consoles
Selecting EFI console terminal
New systems are shipped with multiple devices
selected as the console terminal
VMS requires only one serial port for the console
Be sure USB keyboard is unplugged for now,
support for USB keyboard and VGA console
planned for the future
Use the Boot Option Maintenance Menu to select
only serial port and deselect other device
Can select ANSI, VT100 and VT100+ terminal types,
based on your terminal emulator
Reset the system