
Version 1.2 Page 16 4/22/04
WHO Display connected management processor users
X Exit management processor and disconnect
XD Diagnostics and/or reset of management processor
Reset BMC Passwords
BP: Reset BMC Passwords
This command resets BMC passwords (both USER and ADMIN passwords).
Configure Serial Port Parameters
CA: Configure local and remote serial port parameters
Set up the local serial port parameters as follows:
o BAUD RATES: Input and output data rates are the same: 300, 1200,2400,4800, 9600, 38400,
115200 bit/sec.
o FLOW CONTROL: Hardware uses RTS/CTS; Software uses Xon/Xoff.
o TRANSMIT CONFIGURATION STRINGS: Disable this setting whenever the modem being
used is not compatible with the supported modem (MT5634ZBA).
IMPORTANT: Do not mix HP and VT100 terminal types at the same time.
Set up the remote serial port parameters as follows:
MODEM PROTOCOL: Bell or CCITT (CCITT is a European standard; RTS/CTS signaling is
used, as well as the Ring signal. Bell is a U.S. or simple mode).
o BAUD RATES: Input and output data rates are the same: 300, 1200, 2400,4800, 9600, 38400,
115200 bit/sec.
o FLOW CONTROL: Hardware uses RTS/CTS; Software uses Xon/Xoff.
o TRANSMIT CONFIGURATION STRINGS: Disable this setting whenever the modem being
used is not compatible with the supported modem (MT5634ZBA).
o MODEM PRESENCE: When the modem may not always be connected, set this parameter to “not
always connected”.
For example: A modem attached through a switch. In mode “not always connected,” no dial-out functions
are allowed: DIAL-BACK is disabled, and PAGING is not possible.
The MP mirrors the system console to the MP local, remote/modem, and LAN ports. One console output
stream is reflected to all of the connected console users. If users use several different terminal types
simultaneously, some users may see strange results.
Certificate Generate
CG: Generate RSA key pair or Self-Signed Certificate.