Version 1.2 Page 68 4/22/04
Once the user selects the desired HBA to be configured, the user is prompted with three bios utility
functions to configure the boot device, configure the selected HBA’s parameters, or to use the default
If you are setting up the device for the first time, select Option 2 to configure the selected HBA’s
parameter. Otherwise, proceed to Option 1 to configure the boot devices.
If Option 2 is selected above, you see a list of EFI boot bios configuration that is current selected values in
the flash memory. The user can select to view the current setting or to change the value of the setting. For
OpenVMS, it is recommended that you set the following parameters.
After setting the correct HBA settings, the user should go back to the Bios utility menu by choosing Option
0. By doing so, the settings are automatically saved on the HBA’s option ROM. On the Bios Utility Menu,
choose Option 1 to configure the boot devices.
Now the user should see the Flash List Boot Devices, which is a list of selected boot device that a user may
configure. The user can configure up to 8 boot devices to be presented to EFI. The boot devices are
uniquely identified by their Device ID (DID) or World Wide ID (WWID) and their Logical Unit number
Example 3:
Adapter 1: S_ID:000000 PCI Bus#: 80 Dev#: 01 Func#: 00
LP9802: I/O Base: 8000 Firmware Version: HS1.00X6
Port Name: 10000000 C931070A Node Name: 20000000 C931070A
Topology: AUTO (start with FCAL). - default
1. Configure Boot Devices
2. Configure This Adapter's Parameters
3. Use Default Values for This Adapter
0. Return to previous menu
Enter your selection. Valid entries are 0 thru 3 : 2
Example 4:
Adapter 1: S_ID:000001 PCI Bus#: 80 Dev#: 01 Func#: 00
LP9802: I/O Base: 8000 Firmware Version: HS1.00X6
Port Name: 10000000 C931070A Node Name: 20000000 C931070A
Topology: AUTO (start with Point to Point).
OpenVMS I64 Setting
1. Enable or Disable BIOS ENABLED
2. Change Default ALPA of this adapter 1 - Default
3. Change Device Path Selection (FC or SCSI) FC - Default
4. Change PLOGI Retry Timer (+Advanced Option+) 2 – PLOGI retry 5msec
5. AutoScan Setting (+Advanced Option+) 1 (Disable) - Default
6. Max LUNS Setting (+Advanced Option+) 256 - Default
7. Topology Selection (+Advanced Option+) 3 (PTP only)
0. Return to Previous Menu