Version 1.2 Page 35 4/22/04
CO: Console
VFP: Virtual Front Panel
CM: Command Menu
CL: Console Log
SL: Show Event Logs
CSP: Connect to Service Processor
SE: Enter OS Session
HE: Main Help Menu
X: Exit Connection
MP Host Name: kthulu
Updating the MP Firmware
The following example illustrates how to update the MP firmware. It was performed on a system with
firmware that is older than what you are likely to find on recently purchased RX2600 systems.
You need the following items before you start updating the MP firmware:
o An IP address that can be loaned to the management port
o A serial cable to connect to the console port on the 3-port pigtail on the systems.
o A network cable to plug into the Management Processor’s port. This is the left most of the 3
network connectors it is labeled LAN 10/100.
o Make sure users are not using the system. You are supposed to be able to do this while users are
logged on, but I have never tried it.
Make sure the system is NOT running TCP/IP with the same IP address you are going to loan to
the console.
To perform the update, do the following steps.
1. Plug an Ethernet cable into the management port’s connection.
2. Plug a serial cable into the console port on the MP port.
3. From a terminal or terminal emulator connected to the management port’s console, hit Crtl/B. This
gets the management processor’s attention. You will be prompted to log in. If your system has
older MP firmware just enter <cr> for username and <cr> for password. If that does not work you
likely have newer firmware and the username is Admin and the password is Admin.
(Note: if the system’s Management Processor already has a valid IP address for our LAB, you can
skip steps 4 and 5 and go to step 6.)
4. If you did not need a user name and password enter LC, which "Stands for lan configuration".
Provide the IP address, name, and netmask, gateway, and so on. If you need a user name and
password, enter CM at the prompt and then the LC command (a full console output example
follows instructions, below).
5. You are prompted to use the “R” option of the XD command to reset the management processor
for the lan configuration to take effect. (This command, as best we can tell, does not impact the
operating system running on the server). So issue the XD command and select the R option. When
the reset completes, re-enter Crtl/B (that is, repeat step 3) to gain the attention of the management
6. Now you need the following: IP address of the system with the firmware. If you did not need a
user name and password previously for the management console, enter the command XU for a
firmware update. If you needed the Admin user name and password, enter the command
(command menu) and then the FW command for a firmware update.