Operating Characteristics - Controller Modes
110 HC900 Hybrid Controller Installation and User Guide Revision 5
Controller Modes
The HC900 Controller includes three operating modes. The purpose of each mode is described
immediately below, and salient characteristics of each are described in Table 19. The functions of the
Mode Switch are described in Table 20, and the procedures that the controller performs in transitions
between modes are described in Table 21.
In the PROGRAM Mode, active control processing is suspended. This mode is used for safe execution of
utility functions such as configuration download and calibration of analog inputs and outputs.
All outputs are Off.
RUN Mode
The Run Mode is used for normal operation of the controller; that is, for running the control configuration
that was previously downloaded. Configuration download and other utility functions can be performed in
this mode. See the Hybrid Control Designer User Guide for precautions, restrictions, and procedures.
The OFFLINE Mode can be entered only from the RUN Mode, and is intended primarily for performing AI
Because Function Blocks are not processed and outputs are Frozen in this mode, inputs (that
is, process values) can vary from the values that existed when the OFFLINE Mode was
Before entering the OFFLINE Mode:
• KNOW all potential consequences of suspending control action..
• PLAN for all operator actions required to preclude adverse consequences while processing
is suspended, and when resuming control processing.
• EXECUTE prudent control actions (such as placing all control loop in the Manual Mode).
Failure to comply with these instructions may result in product damage.