Removal and Replacement Procedures - Safety Considerations - PLAN AHEAD!
150 HC900 Hybrid Controller Installation and User Guide Revision 5
Replacing an I/O Module
Read and understand all of the following information regarding RIUP before attempting to remove and/or
replace any I/O module, particularly in a system that is actively controlling a process.
All of the I/O Module types in the HC900 Controller System include the Removal and Insertion Under
Power (RIUP) feature. That is, while the rack is powered, any of the I/O Modules can be removed or
• With no physical damage to the module, to the rack, or to other modules in the rack
• Without disturbing the functions of other I/O modules in the rack or in the system.
Under carefully controlled circumstances, this feature enables the user to remove and insert an I/O module
without completely shutting down a running system. However, it must be recognized that removing or
inserting an I/O module under power is potentially hazardous to property and to personnel.
Circumstances that dictate prudent actions depend on conditions and specific process applications at each
user facility. It is the responsibility of site personnel to know all potential consequences of RIUP, and to
take actions to prevent all adverse consequences before removing or inserting an I/O module under power.
Table 34 provides some general guidelines for establishing appropriate procedures at a given installation.
Table 34 - RIUP: Potential Hazards and Recommended Actions
Hazard Source Preventive Action(s)
Loss of control or view of a
running process can cause
damage to equipment
and/or to process product.
Each signal at each of the
terminals for an I/O module has a
specific function. Any or all of the
signals may be vital for safely
controlling a process.
Using trained personnel and
appropriate control mechanisms,
transfer to manual control of each
signal that is necessary to maintain
safe process control.
Bring the process to a safe stop
before initiating the removal or
insertion procedure.
Human contact with high
voltage sources will result
in death or serious injury.
Potentially lethal voltages on
Terminal Blocks.
Disconnect all signals at terminal
blocks from sources of power
before removing the terminal
block from the I/O module.
Ensure that the Protective Earth
(PE) ground is properly connected
and properly functioning.