Communications Installation - Connecting the HC900 Controller to a PC with the Hybrid Control Designer Software
Revision 5 HC900 Hybrid Controller Installation and User Guide 89
A. Direct Serial RS-232 Connection
(9.6 - 38.4 KB)
Null Modem cable
RS-232 Configuration port
Com1 - Com 8
Step Procedure
Prepare a null modem cable. Refer to RS-232 Direct Link to PC Configuration Tool (page 90) for
specific instructions on the null modem cable.
2 Connect one end of the null modem cable to the HC900 controller’s RS-232 configuration port.
Connect the other end to an available serial port (COM1 through COM8) on your PC. Refer to RS-
232 Direct Link to PC Configuration Tool (page 90) for specific instructions on the null modem cable.
If a configuration is not available, start a new configuration in HC Designer by selecting File, New.
After selecting controller type and revision, select OK.
From the Utilities Worksheet (Utilities tab in the main window) in the HC Designer software, set up
the PC’s serial port attributes for use with the controller. Make sure that the same baud rate is set up
for the PC port and the controller. In general, the faster the baud rate the better the performance,
however, your PC may not communicate reliably at the faster baud rates. You may choose 9600
Baud (controller default), 19.2KB, or 38.4 KB. (Refer to the HC900 Hybrid Control Designer User’s
Guide or its respective on-line help, Setting Up PC Com Ports and Connections - PC Serial Com
Port Setup and Utilities Worksheet - Set Controller Serial Port, for details on this step).
On the PC, use the Utilities Worksheet in the HC Designer software to select the Com port as the
current port.