
Chapter 5. Troubleshooting techniques 147
The odstat and wtrace command outputs (for more information on how to get
a Framework trace, refer to the
Tivoli Management Framework Maintenance
and Troubleshooting Guide
, GC32-0807).
Conversely, if every communication is working fine between the different
components of the Framework, the problem could be located at the Remote
Control Proxy level. To help you follow the necessary steps to determine if your
RC Proxy environment is working, we have defined a specific process. Refer to
RC Proxy problem determination process on page 151 for more information.
TFST problem determination process
Before starting the problem determination, we recommend that you follow these
steps in order to have a clear picture of what is going wrong:
1. Back up and rename the epp.log file on Endpoint Proxy, the gwp.log on the
Gateway Proxy and the relay.log on the Relay. New epp.log, gwp.log, and
relay.log files are created by default as soon as the services are started.
2. Edit the gwp.cfg file on the Gateway Proxy, change the debug-level entry to 8
as explained in the Firewall Security Toolbox User s Guide, GC23-4826, and
restart the service.
3. Edit the epp.cfg file on the Endpoint Proxy, change the debug-level entry to 8
as explained in the Firewall Security Toolbox User s Guide, GC23-4826, and
restart the service.
4. Edit the relay.cfg file on the Relay, if used in your environment, change the
debug-level entry to 8 as explained in the Firewall Security Toolbox User s
Guide, GC23-4826, and restart the service.
5. Set the lcfd debug level to 3 on the Endpoint by editing the last.cfg file on the
Endpoint and by changing the log_threshold parameter to 3. You need to
restart the service.
6. Set the Gateway level to 7 by entering the following commands:
wgateway [Gateway label] set_debug_level 7
wgateway [Gateway label] restart
Figure 5-2 defines the most common steps used to isolate the TFST connection
problems. These checks must be made only if the Remote Control Proxy is
installed on top of a TFST environment. If the Endpoint faces connection
problems with its Gateway Proxy, or if the Gateway Proxy is not able to
communicate with its Endpoint Proxy, the Remote Control session will never
start at all.