
8 IBM Tivoli Remote Control Across Firewalls
RC Target The Remote Control Target component is automatically
installed on each Endpoint when a session from a
Remote Control Controller is initiated. This component is
also known as Target.
RC Controller Proxy The Remote Control Controller Proxy is an optional
component which could be used to simplify the
communication between Controllers and Targets in a
firewall environment through a common port. In fact, this
component simulates a Remote Control Controller to the
Targets that are separated from the Controllers by
firewalls. This component must be installed in the same
network zone as the Targets. Nevertheless, this
component could be either installed on top of a
Endpoint/Gateway Proxy or as a Standalone component.
RC Target Proxy The Remote Control Target Proxy is an optional
component which could be used to simplify the
communication between Controllers and Targets in a
firewall environment through a common port. In fact, this
component simulates Remote Control Targets to the
Controllers that are separated from the Targets by
firewalls. This component must be installed in the same
network zone as Controllers. Nevertheless, this
component could be either installed on top of a
Endpoint/Gateway Proxy or as a Standalone component.
RC Gateway The Remote Control Gateway is an optional component
which could be used when direct link from the Controller
to the Target is not authorized. Thus, in this case, a
Remote Control Gateway needs to be installed on top of
a Tivoli Endpoint Gateway.
1.1.3 Tivoli components and communication symbols
In the figures and scenarios that follow, we use the following set of symbols to
denote the various components and type of communication for easy recognition:
Tivoli Management Region Server (blue line)
Endpoint Gateway, Remote Control Server, Endpoint Manager or
Instance of the Tivoli Firewall Security Toolbox Relay