
6 IBM Tivoli Remote Control Across Firewalls
Relay The Relay components purpose is to pass information
sent to it up or down the chain to an Endpoint Proxy,
Gateway Proxy, or other Relays. This component is
optional and is part of the Tivoli Firewall Security
Toolbox. It must be installed in the network zone
between the Endpoint Proxy and the Gateway Proxy.
Multiple Relays could be chained to allow this connection
if Endpoint Proxy and Gateway Proxy are separated by
multiple network zones. There can be multiple instances
of the Relay running on the same machine.
Gateway proxy A Gateway Proxy is an optional component that
emulates a Gateway to the Endpoints to simplify the
Tivoli communications in a firewall environment through
a common port. The Endpoints are not explicitly aware of
the fact that this destination is not truly a Gateway. This
component is part of the Tivoli Firewall Security Toolbox
and must be installed on the same network zone as the
distant Endpoints.
Endpoint A Tivoli Management Agent (TMA) is any system that
runs an Endpoint service (or daemon). Typically, an
Endpoint is installed on a machine that is not used for
daily management operations. Endpoints run a very
small amount of software and do not maintain a
database. The majority of systems in most Tivoli
Enterprise installations will be Endpoints.
Policy Region A Policy Region is a collection of Tivoli resources that are
governed by a common set of policies. A Policy Region
is often created to represent a management domain or
area of influence for one or more system administrators.
Administrator Tivoli Administrators are persons who will be responsible
for managing various aspects of enterprise wide systems
management. Tivoli functionality allows administrative
functions that may be performed at many levels and
locations of the organization. Administrators may be
individuals or groups of persons with different logins.
Collection The Collection is a container that groups objects on a
Tivoli Desktop, thus providing the Tivoli Administrator
with as single view of related resources. Such
Collections are defined when an Administrator has the
need to centralize miscellaneous resources stored in
different Policy Regions. A Collection provides a
shortcut for using resources.