
xvi IBM Tivoli Remote Control Across Firewalls
Sebastien Fardel is an Advisory IT Specialist at IBM Corporation, Global
Services, Switzerland, acting as a Tivoli Architect in the Performance and
Availability and Configurations and Operations areas. He has been in the IT
industry since 1996 and has experience in IT infrastructure management,
programming, and Systems Management area. His e-mail is sfa@ch.ibm.com.
Venkata Reddy is a software Engineer working for IBM Software Labs in
Bangalore, India. He has three years of IT experience and is working as part of
networking software group. He leads the firewall India team for providing Level3
support and Enhancements for IBM SecureWay® firewall. His areas of expertise
include network security and firewalls.
Thanks to the following people for their contributions to this project:
Joanne Luedtke, Lupe Brown, Wade Wallace, and Chris Blatchley
International Technical Support Organization, Austin Center
Yvonne Lyon
International Technical Support Organization, San Jose Center
Silvia Giacone, Nicola Milanese, and Ugo Madama
Remote Control Development and Verification Team, IBM Rome
Alan Hsu
Market Manager - Remote Control, IBM Software Group Austin
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