
Chapter 1. Remote Control sessions overview 15
B As soon as the RC Tool is opened, the Remote Control Server needs
to validate the Controller by checking:
If the Controller is an Endpoint
If the label of the Endpoint is the same as of the hostname of the
If the interpreter of the Controller is supported and able to start a
Remote Control session
In order to get this information, the Remote Control Server needs to
contact the Endpoint Manager.
C If the Controller is validated, the Remote Control Server loads a
subset of the Remote Control policies from the Policy Region where
the RC Tool is located. For our examples, we will call these
policies. These
basis policies are only accessed when the RC Tool is
opened. No more are loaded for the time the Tool is active.
D At this point, the Tivoli Administrator can start a Remote Control
session by clicking the Run button of the RC Tool after selecting a
Tar ge t.
E The Remote Control Server needs to load the rest of the Remote
Control policies. These policies are more network related and, for
example, specifies if a Remote Control Proxy or a Remote Control
Gateway should be used and which port are defined to start the
session. Unlike the basis policies, these Remote Control policies are
loaded every time a new session is started from this RC Tool.
Example 1-1 shows which policies are read when the session starts,
and which are read when the RC Tool is opened.
F As soon as all Remote Control policies are loaded, the Remote
Control Server needs to obtain additional information for both the
Controller and the Target, such as their IP addresses. In order to get
this information, the Remote Control Server must contact the
Endpoint Manager.
G Before initiating the connection, the Remote Control Server needs to
know if the Target needs to be reached using an Endpoint
Proxy/Gateway proxy infrastructure or not. If the Target is a proxied
Endpoint, the Remote Control Server should send the request
through an Endpoint Proxy instead of using the standard Tivoli
Endpoint Gateway communication process.
H As soon as the Remote Control Server knows how it should contact
the Target, it sends the nd_start_target method down to the Target
and waits for the process to start. The local process started on the
Target machine is named EQNRCMAI.EXE.