
154 IBM Tivoli Remote Control Across Firewalls
Is the eqnrsmai process started on the RC Controller?
If the eqnrcmai.exe is spawned at RC Target, you also need to verify if the
eqnrsmai.exe process has been spawned on the RC Controller. This can be
verified by either checking the lcfd.log file or by using a process monitor tool,
such as Windows Task Manager.
Could the RC Controller contact the RC Target Proxy?
As soon as the eqnrcmai.exe is spawned at the RC Controller, the RC
Controller tries to contact the RC Target Proxy using the IP address and port
defined in the rc_def_proxy RC Policy. The same port must also be
configured in the proxy-port parameter of the [rcproxy] section in the
rcproxy.cfg file on the RC Target Proxy.
To control which port is used by each component, check the remcon.log,
remcon.trc and the rcproxy.log.
Could the RC Controller Proxy contact the RC Target?
Once the RC Target Proxy received the session request from the RC
Controller, it has to forward it to the RC Controller Proxy who needs, in its
turn, to contact the RC Target. The RC Controller is able to find the RC Target
based on the information provided by the RC Target Proxy, either from
Endpoint Database of the Endpoint Proxy in a TFST environment or from the
rcproxy.route file of the RC Target Proxy in a Standalone environment.
To control if the RC Controller Proxy is trying to contact the RC Target using
the correct IP Address, check the remcon.log, remcon.trc and the rcproxy.log.
If the RC Controller Proxy doesn't use the correct information, check the
rcproxy.route file on the RC Target Proxy or control if the Endpoint Database
of the Endpoint Proxy is not corrupted or contain the correct information.
Nevertheless, if the different problems could not be isolated even after you have
executed all actions and analyzed all of the logs mentioned above, it is advised
that you contact the IBM customer support by providing them the following logs:
lcfd.log located on the local machine
rcproxy.log located on the RC Target Proxy and RC Controller Proxy
remcon.trc located on the RC Controller and RC Target
remcon.log located on the RC Target and RC Controller
rcproxy.cfg located on the RC Target Proxy and on the RC Controller Proxy
rc_def_proxy Default Remote Control Policy method
rcproxy.route located on the RC Target Proxy, in a Standalone
relay.log and relay.cfg located on the Relay, if used in your environment