
Figure 94. Recovery ASIC in Per-Port Switching Module
You can find out the MAC address of the Recovery ASIC on each module by
using the following DMM command:
SH MODULE {slot.subslot} VERBOSE
Figure 95 showsDisplay the output from this command for a 20-port passive
token-ring module.
8260> show module 5.1 verbose
Slot Module Version Network General Information
----- --------------- ------- ------------- -------------------
05.01 T20MS v1.00 TOKEN_RING_10 Port(s) are down
T20MS: Token Ring Passive Module Switching Twisted Pair
Boot Version: v1.00
Ring Speed Dip Setting: 16 MBPS
Dip Network Setting: TOKEN_RING_1
Non-Volatile DIP Setting: ENABLED
Recovery Asic Primary Address: 08-00-8f-d0-38-43
Recovery Asic Secondary Address: 08-00-8f-d0-38-83
Beacon Threshold: 255
Speed Detect Threshold: 15
Figure 95. Display Output for 20-Port Passive Module
Figure 96 on page 157 shows the output from this command for an active 18-port
per-port switching token-ring module.
156 8260 Multiprotocol Intelligent Switching Hub