
Config * Physical Port Protocol Parameters Module: BladeRunner
Phy. Port: 7 PHYSICAL PORT Time: 15:56 5 Jan 95
Link Protocol: tokenRing
Commands: noOp Ring Speed: fourMegabits
Act Mon Part: false Funct MAC Addr Mask: C00000000000
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Figure 148. LMS Physical Port Protocol Configuration Panel
This panel allows you to specify the following options:
This entry allows you to configure the operational status of the token-ring
port. The following options are available:
Open: tells the adapter to enter the ring.
Close: tells the adapter to remove itself from the ring.
Reset: causes an immediate reset of the token-ring port.
Noop: has no effect; it simply indicates that an open operation has not
been requested.
Ring Speed
This parameter allows you the set the speed at which the token-ring port will
Act Mon Par
This parameter allows you to specify if the station is to participate in the
active monitor selection process. The choices for this parameter are:
Funct MAC Addr Mask
This parameter allows you to specify the bit mask that is applied to all
functional addresses for which this port accepts frames.
Chapter 11. 8260 Multiprotocol Interconnect Module 259