8260> show ring_map token_ring logical token_ring_2
Token Ring Logical Map for Network TOKEN_RING_2
MAC Address Slot Port
----------------- ----- ----
02-00-00-e0-9c-10 06.01 1
02-00-00-c0-cc-68 06.01 7
00-00-00-00-00-00 06.01 10
08-00-8f-d0-90-fa 06.02 N/A
02-00-00-66-88-8d 06.01 15
Figure 103. Address-to-Port Map Display for a Per-Port Switching Module
Note that in the above display, the module 6.01 is an active per-port switching
module and the module 6.02 is a T-MAC installed on this active per-port
switching module. Support for Fan-Out Devices
As mentioned in the above procedure, the active per-port switching modules
support the attachment of up to a maximum of 8 stations to a single port through
the use of fan-out devices. Support for MAC-Less Stations
The active per-port switching supports the attachment of MAC-less stations to all
ports except the last port. This is because the Ring Monitor on the last station of
a per-port switching module (that has a MAC-less station) will move downstream
of its associated port when it sees an AMP/SMP MAC frame with the A/C bit set
to B′0′ and begins trapping the AMP/SMP MAC frames that it sees. Since the
station attached to this port does not have a MAC address (does not participate
in the neighbor notification) and does not copy any AMP/SMP MAC frame, the
Ring Monitor will not see any AMP/SMP MAC frame with the A/C bit set to B′1′
and will remain on the downstream side of this port and as there is no Ring
Monitor downstream from this one on the module to ask it to move back
upstream of this port, the map for the last port will not be accurate.
The active token-ring modules provide RI/RO ports which allow you to
connect your 8260 to other hubs. Note that in this case, no address-to-port
mapping is done for the RI/RO ports. The address-to-port map which will be
built and maintained by each module are only for the stations which are
attached to the module via lobe ports.
8.12 IEEE 802.5C Recommended Practice for Dual Ring Wrapback
Dual-ring recovery as recommended by IEEE 802.C is intended for applications
that require very high availability and recovery from media and station failures.
166 8260 Multiprotocol Intelligent Switching Hub