
Figure 105. Wrapback in Dual-Ring Topology
8.12.1 Trunk Wrapping on the Active Per-Port Switching Modules
The 18-port active per-port switching module and the 10-port dual fiber repeater
module conform to the 802.5C dual-ring reconfiguration practice.
When, during the beacon recovery process, it is determined that the fault domain
is between RI and RO, the following process takes place:
1. DRA is inserted on the primary path and URA is inserted on the backup path
between RI and RO ports.
2. Faulty trunk is located and wrapped using dual-ring recovery methods.
3. URA and DRA are de-inserted.
4. DMM and Merge Manager (see 8.12.3, “Merge Manager” on page 170) are
notified of the action taken.
This is shown in Figure 106 on page 169.
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