T-MACs attached to the same segment and want one of them to act as a
backup for the active T-MAC.
6. Assign the T-MAC to the desired segment using the following example:
8260A> set module 6.2 network token_ring_10
If you try to assign a T-MAC with
interface to a segment which
already has an active T-MAC, your command will be rejected as shown in
Figure 39.
8260A> set module 8.2 network token_ring_10
Interface module 6.2 already enabled for this network
Multiple Enabled Interface cards cannot be on the same network
Command aborted
Figure 39. Assigning T-MAC to a Segment with an Active T-MAC
7. If you are planning to use RMON support provided by T-MAC, you may
perform the additional steps described in 10.6.6, “Collecting and Displaying
RMON Groups Using T-MAC” on page 230.
You can use the following example to obtain information about the T-MAC and
how it′s configured:
8260A> show module 6.2 verbose
In this example, the T-MAC is installed on the 18-port active per-port switching
token-ring media module which is installed in slot 6. The output from this
command is shown in Figure 40 on page 69.
68 8260 Multiprotocol Intelligent Switching Hub