
When you assign an 8250 token-ring module to one of the token-ring networks on
the Enhanced TriChannel (tr_8250_1 through tr_8250_7) using the following
SET MODULE {slot.sublsot} NETWORK {token_ring_n}
The 8260 will automatically allocate one of the available token-ring paths to this
module. Note that you can neither choose the path used by the module, nor
determine which path is used by a specific module. However, you can
determine all token-ring paths on the Enhanced TriChannel which are currently
being allocated in your hub by using the following management module
An example of the output from this command is shown in Figure 6.
8260> show backplane_paths token_ring
Physical Path Logical Network
--------------- ---------------
TR_PATH_8250_1 in use
TR_PATH_8250_2 in use
TR_PATH_8250_3 in use
TR_PATH_8250_4 in use
TR_PATH_8250_5 in use
TR_PATH_8250_6 in use
TR_PATH_8250_7 TR_8250_1
TR_PATH_8250_8 available
TR_PATH_8250_9 TR_8250_1
TR_PATH_8250_10 available
TR_PATH_8250_11 in use
TR_PATH_8250_12 in use
TR_PATH_8250_13 TR_8250_1
TR_PATH_8250_14 available
TR_PATH_8250_15 available
Figure 6. Token-Ring Backplane Path Display
The number of token-ring paths used by a single token-ring network on the
Enhanced TriChannel equals the number of token-ring modules on that network.
Note that the token-ring paths on the Enhanced TriChannel use the same pins on
the backplane as are used by the Ethernet and/or FDDI segments. Therefore,
simultaneous configuration of other types of networks in your hub will impact the
number of token-ring networks allowed in your hub. In Figure 6, the token-ring
paths shown as in in useare those backplane pins that are used by other
segment types (that is, Ethernet or FDDI), whereas tr_path_8250_7,
tr_path_8250_9 and tr_path_8250_13 are used to configure a single token-ring
segment (tr_8250_1) consisting of three 8250 token-ring modules. Also, note that
20 8260 Multiprotocol Intelligent Switching Hub