| Specifies the format of the resource file (OS/390 and MVS only) created by
| ACIF. ACIF can create either a sequential data set (SEQ) or a partitioned data
| set (PDS) from the resources it retrieves from the PSF for OS/390 or PSF/MVS
| resource libraries. If this parameter is not specified, ACIF writes to the DDname
| specified in the RESOBJDD parameter, assuming a sequential format. See
| “Format of the Resources File” on page 188 for more information on the
| contents of the resource data set.
| Specifying SEQ creates a resource group that can be concatenated to the
| document file as inline resources. Specifying PDS creates a member that can
| be placed in a user library or in a system library for use by PSF. The file
| created by selecting PDS cannot be concatenated to the document file and
| used as inline resources.
| It is important that the parameters you use to allocate the RESOBJDD data set
| be compatible with the value of the RESFILE parameter. For example, if
| RESFILE=PDS, then DSORG=PO must be specified in the DD statement of the
| data set named by the RESOBJDD parameter. In addition, the SPACE
| parameter must include a value for directory blocks, such as
| SPACE=(12288,(150,15,15)), in the DD statement of the data set named by the
| RESOBJDD parameter.
| If RESFILE=SEQ is specified, then DSORG=PS must be specified in the DD
| statement of the data set named by the RESOBJDD parameter. In addition, the
| SPACE parameter must not include a directory value, as in
| SPACE=(12288,(150,15)), in the DD statement of the data set named by the
| RESOBJDD parameter. Failure to allocate the data set named by the
| RESOBJDD parameter in a manner compatible with the specification of the
| RESFILE parameter may result in a RESOBJDD data set that is unusable.
(OS/390, MVS, and VM)
Specifies the DDname for the resource file. When ACIF processes a print file, it
can optionally create a file containing all or some of the resources required to
print or view the file. It writes the resource data to this DDname. If RESOBJDD
is not specified, ACIF uses RESOBJ as the default DDname.
is a 1–8
byte character string containing only those alphanumeric characters supported
in the operating environment. Suggested DCB characteristics for the file are:
Variable blocked format
A maximum record length of 32 756
If a record length other than 32756 is specified, it is possible that ACIF will
produce a record of length greater than that which is allowed by the
RESOBJ DD statement. The result of such an occurrence is that ACIF will
terminate abnormally.
A block size of 32 760
Physical, sequential format
Specifies the file name that appears on the DLBL or TLBL JCL statement, a
1–7 character string containing only those alphanumeric characters supported
in the operating environment. The characteristics of the file are:
A variable blocked file
A maximum record length of 32 756
A block size of 32 760
Chapter 7. Using ACIF Parameters in OS/390, MVS, VM, and VSE 107