
Summary Of Changes
| This publication contains additions and changes to the previous edition,
| S544-5285-00. The technical additions and changes are marked with a revision bar
| to the left of the changes.
| The following new function has been added:
| MCF2REF={CPCS | CF } (see APAR PQ04391)
| PRMODE=SOSI3 (see APAR PQ07139)
| The APARs addressed in this publication include:
| PN77365
| You can use the FONTECH parameter to indicate to ACIF that the fonts are in
| the unbounded box format. The only valid value for FONTECH is
| other values will cause ACIF to terminate with an error. Unbounded box fonts
| are supported
by the IBM 3800 printer.
| PN77694
| If you attempt to print the front and back sides of a sheet from different input
| bins, ACIF issues error message APK252I.
| PN84383
| You can use ACIF to create either a sequential data set or a partitioned data
| set. This publication describes the JCL parameters necessary to successfully
| create a resource data set as either partitioned or sequential.
| PN92597 and PN91755
| You can use an INSERTIMM parameter to view named page groups as
| stand-alone entities.
| PQ02350
| You can use additional values with the RESTYPE parameter: BCOCA, GOCA,
| and IOCA. ACIF searches the libraries specified by the PSEGLIB parameter
| and USERLIB parameter to find these objects. If BCOCA, GOCA, and/or IOCA
| is specified for RESTYPE, ACIF includes all of those types of objects required
| to print or view the output document in the resource object file. Note that page
| segments referenced by an IOB structured field cannot contain IM1 image or
| PTOCA data.
| PQ04391
| You can use a new conversion parameter and resource retrieval parameter to
| specify the way ACIF builds the MAP Coded Font 2 (MCF2) structured field in
| the output file and the resobj file.
| PQ07139
| ACIF supports a new PRMODE value. PRMODE=SOSI3 is supported in the
| same manner as by PSF/MVS, with each shift out character being converted to
Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 1999 xi